Kids in The Woods

Kids in the Woods – click on the link –
- Status Summary: The Interpretive Association of Western Colorado was responsible for dispersing $6500 of the MKIW grant funding. This funding was used primarily to purchase components for snow science and weather trunks and wildlife trunks (skulls, tracks, scat, and laminated animal track pamphlets). Fifteen sets of snow shoes were purchased which were used by adults who assisted students on skis. Approximately $2000 was used to purchase additional ski sets. Miscellaneous purchases included components for the ski trailer (spare tire, jack, door locks), tubs for snow shoe storage and science equipment, and travel expenses for a student intern filming the winter ecology field days.
- What has been accomplished to date? Please provide a comparison of actual accomplishments to the objectives established in the agreement narrative (quantify where possible): Over 400 students participated in cross country skiing through 4-5 learning stations focused on various aspects of winter ecology during February 2014 (Delta County, San Miguel and Ouray County Schools).During these field days both the ski equipment and science trunks were used. In the grant application we projected outreaching to 460 students.